- class t3w.TqdmSideEffect(postfix_keys: Sequence[str] = [], smoothing: float = 0.9)#
- __init__(postfix_keys: Sequence[str] = [], smoothing: float = 0.9) None #
show a tqdm progress bar for training and evaluation, write eval metrics at the end of eval epoch.
- Parameters:
postfix_keys (Sequence[str], optional) – control the losses and metrics to be displayed on the bar. Empty sequence will show all.
smoothing (float, optional) – low pass filter value. Defaults to 0.9.
- on_eval_step_finished(loop: EvalLoop, step: int, mb: IMiniBatch)#
- on_train_step_finished(loop: TrainLoop, step: int, mb: IMiniBatch, step_return: StepReturnDict)#
- class t3w.AimSideEffect(experiment: str, hparams_dict: Dict[str, Any], run_hash: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, repo: str | Path = './', track_weights_every_n_steps: int | None = None)#
- __init__(experiment: str, hparams_dict: Dict[str, Any], run_hash: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, repo: str | Path = './', track_weights_every_n_steps: int | None = None) None #
- on_train_step_finished(loop: TrainLoop, step: int, mb: IMiniBatch, step_return: StepReturnDict)#
- on_eval_step_finished(loop: EvalLoop, step: int, mb: IMiniBatch)#
- handle_medias(step: int, media_cache: Sequence[MediaData])#